What is SpineForce Rehabilitation?
The SpineForce was created as a tool for the Chiropractor as a high tech platform for the active phase of rehabilitation for the whole spine and kinematic muscle chains.
The SpineForce Reactive Neuromuscular Trainer is designed to create a unique muscular performance environment that challenges the somatosensory system to improve strength, coordination, balance and posture.
Numerous musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain have been linked to factors such as poor endurance of the lumbar and pelvic muscles and diminished proprioceptive input from joint mechanoreceptors.
SpineForce creates a closed chain kinetic exercise that recruits from core stabilizers and upper extremity muscles.
The functional rehabilitation performed with SpineForce utilizes the naturally occurring interaction between neurological input and muscular performance. The oscillating platform on the SpineForce creates an instability that challenges the sensory and motor systems to react and modify each other resulting in improved balance and postural control.
People using it enjoy the way the machine works, the quick workouts and the immediate feedback.
With therapeutic applications muscle power can be improved and coordinated, or rebuilt after an initial injury is healed. This reduces the risk of early re-injury.
Spine Force programmes are also available for good tissue stretching.
Although some think its appearance is similar to a vibrational trainer, it has no relationship to these in the way it works and its benefits.
Developed by LPG systems and released initially in 2003, Spine Force is the only currently available technology to evaluate and strengthen the muscles about the spine. In the United States the people employing these machines the most are osteopaths, chiropractors and other similar back specialists.
But other muscle groups can be improved too. Shoulder girdle muscles, pelvic and pelvic floor muscles respond well to this machine.
Problems with balance can be speedily repaired.
Noting that people who lived in mountainous areas had a lot fewer back problems than those who live in more level regions was the genesis idea for Spine Force.
The initial development was a tilting and rotating plate which would effectively throw the subject off balance. Rather like being on a ship, you would rapidly learn balance and increase proprioceptive feedback to maintain joint position and coordination.
By adding the handles with pressure sensors it became possible to make the unit even more versatile.